Project objectives

Objective 1

To identify formal ways for declarative description of educational game scenarios using semantically structured both game content and didactic tasks;

Objective 2

To create a software platform for construction and generation of smart adaptive 3D video maze games consisting of a metadata-driven maze editor and a Unity3D-bazed maze builder (fig. 1) using an adaptation control engine, an intelligent question and answering (Q&A) agent, and declarative game description and semantically structured virtual representation of artifacts;

Objective 3

To apply the platform for generation of prototypes of video games about Bulgarian medieval history, using self-created 3D graphic models and game content, pro-active GBL scenarios and didactic tasks, with both simple and smart virtual players supporting the real player as assistants in resolving the tasks;

Objective 4

To apply the holistic player-centric model of the ADAPTIMES project for implementing adaptive versions of the online video games by player´s achievements, excitement and emotions, based on behavior tracking and inferring of player´s emotions and attention using analysis of skin conductiveness and of facial expressions;

Objective 5

To validate both non-adaptive and adaptive versions of video games through practical online experiments with teachers and students. Experimental studies will use our experience in cultural heritage digitalisation and e-learning projects;

Objective 6

To validate both the non-adaptive and adaptive versions of the video games by means of practical online experiments with teachers and school students; the experimental studies will benefit from the proven great experience in project about preservation of cultural heritage and e-learning.