• The third seminar of the Intelligent Systems Research Group was held at Vitalis Hotel, "Pchelinski Bani", on 13-14 June 2019 as a joint workshop on GATE, UNITe, DIGITRANS, BIG4SMART, ITDGate and APTITUDE. The composition of dep. Software Technologies at the University of Sofia, as well as some guests. The topic of the seminar was "Challenges of Modern Software Systems" and its aim was to identify possible links and interactions between the above-mentioned projects. The project Intelligent Systems Research Group was outlined with the presentations "Development and Use of Educational Video Games" (Prof. Boyan Bonchev), "Integral Quality Assurance for Software Services" (Assoc. Prof. Olga Georgieva) and "Intelligent Agents in Computer Video Games" (Prof. Ivan Koichev).
  • The second seminar of Intelligent Systems Research Group was held with bachalor students on 27.03 (18h-20h) in hall 326 of the Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics of Sofia University. Its goal was to identify the requirements of learners to educational video games. The project manager presented the project, a demonstration of a sampe video game about medieval Bulgarian history and, as well, a quiz about learner needs of educational video games.
  • The first seminar of Intelligent Systems Research Group was held with primary and secondary school teachers on 24.03 (10h-13h) in hall 325 of the Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics of Sofia University. Its goal was to identify the requirements of teachers to educational video games and software platforms for their development. The project team presented the project, primary results about teachers' need of e-learning tools, a demonstration of a sampe video game about medieval Bulgarian history and, as well, a quiz about teachers' needs of software platforms for development of educational video games.

CONFERENCES WITH PRESENTATIONS OF Intelligent Systems Research Group