Work package 1

Activity 1.1

Identification of the needs of target users of educational video games (5-8 class school students).
Expected results: Comparative analyses of SOTA in adaptive player-centric video games with intelligent agents for education purposes, and game construction platforms

Activity 1.2

Identification of the needs of target users of platforms for construction of educational video games (educationalists and teachers)
Expected results: Analysis of needs of target users of educational video games

Activity 1.3

State of the arts (SOTA) in video games for education and application of GBL
Expected results: Analysis of needs of target users of platforms for construction of educational video games

Work package 2

Activity 2.1

Enhanced declarative model of maze video games applied for education (with methods for semantic structuring of didactic contents) – in order to be used for generation of such games
Expected results: Declarative modelling of educational maze video games with semantic structuring of didactic content

Activity 2.2

Methods for model-based game construction using an metadata-driven maze construction tool – in order to be used for design of a XSD-based maze editor (with an visual maze editor and checker)
Expected results: Modelling of virtual players and player-agent interactions, gameplay and player interactions in single-player and multi-player video games for education

Activity 2.3

Methods of player-centric adaptation in video games based on player achievements, psychophysiological indicators such as EDA and BVP) and emotional state
Expected results: Creation of proactive GBL scenarios and game didactic tasks

Activity 2.4

Modelling of user interfaces of maze construction platforms for non-ITC users
Expected results: Proactive GBL scenarios and game didactic tasks

Work package 3

Activity 3.1

Design and development of the video game platform for automatic maze generation
Expected results: Video game construction platform for automatic maze generation including metadata-driven XSD-based maze editor with an embedded visual graph editor and checker

Activity 3.2

Design and development of a metadata-driven XSD-based maze editor with an embedded visual editor of and checker of the maze graph, which will generate a XML maze declaration document valid according to the same XSD schema and its maze editor
Expected results: Metadata-driven XSD-based maze editor with an embedded visual editor of and checker of the maze graph

Activity 3.3

Design and development of NPCs and intelligent agent for question answering based on extraction of facts from domain content
Expected results: Virtual players and intelligent agent

Work package 4

Activity 4.1

Game content development and game design and generation, generation and customization of educational non-adaptive video maze game for Bulgarian medieval history for the target users
Expected results: Non-adaptive video maze game for Bulgarian medieval history for the target users

Activity 4.2

Development of an adaptive game prototype based on player emotions (inferred by face expression analysis) and player arousal (inferred by EDA or BVP)
Expected results: Educational non-adaptive video maze game for Bulgarian medieval history, with simple and intelligent virtual players

Activity 4.3

Tuning of intelligent game agents for lexical corpuses in the educational domain
Expected results: Educational adaptive video maze games for Bulgarian medieval history

Work package 5

Activity 5.1

Field trial with schoolteachers and educationalists using the software platforms for generation of a non-adaptive game for Bulgarian medieval history
Expected results: Data set from game session log files and survey results from the field trial with platform users (schoolteachers and educationalists)

Activity 5.2

Initial field experiment with 5-8 class school students playing the non-adaptive game for Bulgarian medieval history with simple virtual players
Expected results: Data set from game session log files and survey results from the field trial with the non-adaptive game with simple virtual players

Activity 5.3

Second field experiment with school students playing the adaptive games (using player arousal and/or emotions) with simple virtual players
Expected results: Data set from game session log files and survey results from the field trial with the adaptive game with simple virtual players

Activity 5.4

Final field experiment with school students playing the adaptive/non-adaptive games with smart virtual players
Expected results: Data set from game session log files and survey results from the field trial with video games with intelligent virtual players

Work package 6

Activity 6.1

Preprocessing and curation of data sets and preparation of results for data analyses
Expected results: Curated data sets

Activity 6.2

Correlation and regression analyses of game sessions’ results
Expected results: Results of correlation, regression and factor analyses

Activity 6.3

Factor analysis of game sessions’ results
Expected results: Results of factor analysis

Activity 6.4

Usability assessment of the game platform
Expected results: Results of usability assessment of the game platform

Work packages 7

Activity 7.1

Creation and maintenance of a project Web site and leaflet in English and Bulgarian languages
Expected results: • Project Web site (with links to any e-resource incl. archives of reports and results) and leaflet

Activity 7.2

Creation of Detailed Dissemination Plan (DDP)
Expected results: Detailed Dissemination Plan (DDP)

Activity 7.3

Research presentations and publications in proceeding of prestigious thematic conferences (incl. DIPP, ECGBL, ICL, ICBL, IMCL, iGBL, EL, etc.)
Expected results: Papers presented at international conferences – no less than 8

Activity 7.4

Research articles in scholar journals with IF or SJR like Computers and Education, Adaptive Behaviour, Electronic J. of e-Learning, etc.)
Expected results: Articles submitted to scholar journals – no less than 3

Activity 7.5

Local academic seminars and workshops
Expected results: Protocols from academic seminars and workshops

Activity 7.6

Public engagement
Expected results: Group APOGEE in LinkedIn, YouTube video channel, GitHub directory

Activity 7.7

Creation of Exploitation plan
Expected results: Exploitation plan

Work package 8

Activity 8.1

Coordination and monitoring
Expected results: -

Activity 8.2

Planning and risk and contingency analysis
Expected results: Project management plan

Activity 8.3

Reporting to authorities and communication of results
Expected results: Reports

Activity 8.4

Resolution of conflicts
Expected results: -